Acrobat PDF Documents

In communications with your retail customers, PDFs are the medium of choice. Acrobat reader is the most widely downloaded piece of software and it is available for almost every platform. Some of the top applications for PDFs include:

Fillable forms

We add fillable text fields and checkboxes to your form, optionally including data verification routines to the fields and return a form that is savable by your customer in Acrobat 7 or better. Our Acrobat forms can also submit data to a web server, making it an better-looking alternative to HTML forms.

Interactive brochures or tutorials

We add on-screen navigation to each page so give your customer an easy way to find their way through the information you are providing. Options include web and email links, print buttons, pop-ups, audio, video and 3-D models. Great for training new hires!

Some of the capabilities we can add to PDFs include:


Your PDF need never go out of date if time-sensitive information is stored on your web site. Hyperlinks in the PDF can take the user there instantly for up-to-the-minute data. Links within the PDF can take the user to related topics without looking it up in a table of contents.


Add, subtract, figure sales tax depending on the location of the person filling in the form. Your form can validate the information entered. Perhaps a date has to be later than a certain time, or an amount has to be a minimum quantity.

Form Fields

We can add user-fillable forms to your PDF that retain the exact look that you require, regardless of what computer or printer the user has or what fonts they have installed, though the font used to fill the fields must be installed.

Run Other Programs

PDFs can start Word or PowerPoint documents, open a browser window, display a video or Flash animation, or run any other program that you know is installed on their desktop. PDFs are ideal for employee training and company policy manuals.