Acrobat Help

Better Results When Printing PDFs

Here are the steps to get the best quality and smallest file size PDFs from our templates. You will also get better quality from other documents as well, though you may not get smaller file sizes. If you use the Acrobat Print driver under Windows to print PDFs, start with these instructions:

  1. From the Start Button, choose Settings/Printers and Faxes, then Right-click on Adobe PDF and choose Properties.
  2. Under the General tab, click on Printing Preferences. On the Adobe PDF Settings tab, click the Edit button to the right of Default Settings.

If you use the PDF toolbar in Word for Windows to print PDFs, start instead with these instructions:

  1. From the Adobe PDF menu in Word, choose Change Conversion Settings.
  2. Click on the Advanced Settings button.

After completing the above, continue with these steps:

  1. Choose the Images tab.
  2. Under the all three groups (Color, Greyscale and Monochrome) set Downsample to Off and change Compression to ZIP.
  3. Click on the Save As button and give your new Job Options a name like BestQuality.

Click on OK. Check that Default Settings shows your new settings. OK Out.